Breaking News

Hello everyone! I just want to inform you that if you want to receive my post daily with an email, you can follow my blog. it will automatically send a new post and an edit post that I have made. Hope I can make more post in this blog. I’m a new blogger and still confused with blogging world. I still learn to make this blog more beautiful and get more traffic hehe.. That’s all for today. Good nitez everyone 🙂

My Hello Kitty Collections Part 1

Someone ask me ” you said that you were a kitty lovers, but why I never see your collections?” This question make me think for a while and I decide to share my kitty collections in my blog now :D. Actually I don’t have many kitty collections. I love kitty since I was a child but I just start to collect kitty stuffs since 2 years ago when my honey’s mother sell a lot of kitty stuffs. 🙂